All out on July 6 against Abbott's budget

Help build the July 6 protests against Abbott's horror budget: Adelaide 11:30am, Victoria Square Brisbane 11am, Queens Park Image removed.Canberra 12noon, Parliament Lawns Darwin 12:30pm, NT Parliament Lismore 12 noon, Heritage Park Melbourne 1pm, Victoria Gardens Newcastle 1pm Civic Park Sydney 1pm, Town Hall Perth 1pm, Stirling Gardens Wodonga 11am, Woodland Grove Park Block the budget Time to turn up the heat in the campaign against the government The government is ducking and weaving in the face of combined resistance to its cruel budget... We can already see potential for a campaign bigger than Work Choices against Prime Minister Tony Abbott's attacks. In 2005, more than 600,000 people rallied around the country against then-PM John Howard's workplace laws on November 15. It was a Tuesday, and hundreds of thousands walked off the job to attend, risking fines and penalties for doing so. READ MORE Open letter calls on Trades Hall to strike against the budget Union activists have written an open letter to Victoria Trades Hall Council calling for a state-wide delegates meeting to organise a strike to bust the budget. READ MORE Union activists urge industrial action to beat the budget A glaring omission from the strategy debate over how to fight the budget has been any solid discussion from most union leaders about how and when to deploy industrial action. READ MORE