Socialist Alliance

Socialist Alliance condemns the politically motivated arrest of Walden Bello by the Marcos government in the Philippines.

The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation’s new Strategic Concept, which Australia has signed up to, risks provoking another major war in the Asia-Pacific and should be opposed.

Socialist Alliance welcomes the success of Sri Lanka’s mass protest movement in forcing President Gotabaya Rajapaksa's removal and calls on the federal government to provide humanitarian, not military, aid to Sri Lanka.

Joint statement of the Southeast Asian Left on the US-led ‘Triad of Aggression’ — AUKUS-IPEF-QUAD

The Socialist Alliance condemns Russia's war against Ukraine, which violates international law and is a catastrophe for people in both countries. The Ukrainian people have a right to resist the invasion.

Joint declaration of Socialism 2021 conference organisers

The Socialist Alliance has some clear, specific solutions for addressing the triple crisis facing regional Australia as set out in this COVID recovery plan.

Socialist Alliance vehemently condemns the coup in Myanmar/Burma. We acknowledge the courage and commitment of the people who are resisting the military, and we stand in solidarity with them.